Payroll History Report
This report allows user to display a employee payroll histories in the payroll period that has ever been processed in particular year. To access this page, go to Payroll > Payroll Report > Payroll History Report, then the following page will appear.

There are some data needed to be filtered before displaying the report, which are:
- Year: Select the year of which payroll history will be shown on the report. The default option will be the current year, but user may choose previous year by selecting from the available options.
- Cost Center: User can print the report of all employees at a time, but it takes very long time to open print preview of employees' salaries if the company has many employees. However, user also has the option to print report per cost center.
- Active Employee: Determine the status of employee whose data will be shown on the report, whether active, not active, or all.
- Employee: Select "All" to show the report of all employees.
Also, users could deselect it to choose one or some certain employees. Move the name by clicking the appeared name on the left box and move it to the right box by clicking . If you wish to sort or filter the employee name on the box, you can simply click 
- Display YTD:Refers to whether all employee past payroll data in previous months will be displayed in total (not itemized monthly). Select "Yes" to display it, or leve it deselected to display only the salary data of last month.
- Display SPT:Select "Yes" to show SPT on the report.
- Filter:Determine whether all the data that will be shown on the report, or only the difference.
- Display Currency: Select "Yes" to show the currency on the report.
If users are fiished with the form on the Payroll Report, they could simply click all the three buttons on the bottom of the page to decide in which form they want the report to be served.
Click to display the report in Excel Format. Click to display the report in PDF Format. Also, yo could see the preview of the report before exporting them by clicking and the following page will pop up.

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